Hi, I’m Moreno.

You may know me from my farming days or our homestead in Portugal. For years, I shared our journey of building a life close to nature, following the seasons and connecting with the land.

At the end of 2024, we decided to sell our homestead and move into a new chapter of life. It wasn’t an easy decision, but life has a way of presenting obstacles that lead to new opportunities.

We’re doing well and prefer to maintain a low profile for now.

These days, we’re learning from other farmers and homesteaders, meeting new people, and finding inspiration in how others live simply and abundantly.

For now, I’ve stepped away from creating content to fully live this journey. I might return to creating content one day, as I’ve learned so much and would love to share it when the time is right.

Thank you for being part of my journey over the years. I hope my content made a positive difference in your life.

Take care,
